Domain Mapping in WordPress – Part 7 of Setting up a New Domain with WordPress

Domain Mapping allows you to map multiple domains to a single WordPress installation.

In this video, I cover how to set up the plugin Domain Mapping System, which you can use to assign individual domains to specific posts, pages, products, and other custom post types on your WordPress website.

Make sure you’ve already set up A Records for both domains and configured an Alias on your website hosting server before setting up Domain Mapping System.

In the previous videos, I covered everything you need to know about WordPress + DNS, including buying your domain, configuring Name Server + DNS Records, and installing a WordPress website.

Here’s the Playlist with everything you need to know about Domain Mapping in WordPress:

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to

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Hey everyone! This is Brandon from Gaucho Plugins, the development team behind Domain Mapping System.

In the last videos, we covered buying a domain, configuring DNS Records, installing a WordPress website, and setting up Addon domains, Subdomains, and Aliases.

In this video, I’ll cover domain mapping, which will allow me to map my new domain to a specific page on my WordPress website.

After installing the plugin, you’ll arrive at this settings page.

At the top of the screen, be sure to check the boxes for the post types you want to have the option of mapping to.

Once you’ve checked the proper boxes, click Save at the bottom.

Since I’ve already purchased my new domain name, configured DNS settings properly, and set the domain as an Alias in my hosting control panel, I’ll add it as the first domain I want to map.

In the dropdown box, select the post, page, product, or other custom post type you would like to have appear for this domain.

I’ll set it as the Videos page.

And – voila! You can see the URL in the URL bar shows my new domain name.

This page is on the same WordPress installation as the primary domain!

As of the publishing of this video, only one post type can be assigned to a domain.

This has many use-cases, a few of which I’ll explain.

You might have a different page on your website for each country or language, and you may want to assign an Alias domain specifically for that country.

You might want to more easily manage content on a single site for multiple domains.

You might want to have a landing page for a specific product with a unique domain name for better targeting.

The possibilities are endless, and we’d appreciate your input or feedback on our Roadmap, which can be found in the description.

If you have any questions about using the plugin or configuring the settings, please contact us at

Picture of Brandon Ernst

Brandon Ernst

Brandon Ernst is the founder of Gaucho Plugins - the development team behind Domain Mapping System. Brandon writes about all sorts of topics in the WordPress plugin space related to domain mapping, eCommerce, and more. You can follow his journey on Twitter.

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